
흑형의 노래로 맥도날드 주문하기 두번째 (Todrick Hall Sings McDonald's Order Part 2)

yongphu 2010. 12. 14. 09:42

Singing another McDonalds Order in NYC!!! So much fun! Check it out and spread it to everyone you know. Shot by

Lyrics :
Well, can I get me one of those number #2's (#2's)
And can I get two #3's
And I want to upsize them all, make the drinks tall
Two sprites and one Hi-C
A cookie with the chocolate chips some chicken strips
A five piece is fine
Give me a vanilla shake, and I won't take up too much more of your time

Can I get a Big Mac with a side of fries, in a to-go bag
With one of those apple pies
A Dr. Pepper with this order please, please
Tell me did you get that (Can I get the bill)
Can I get that (one of those happy meals)
Cause if it's Mickey D's then please I'm grubbin' it
Bada-ba-ba-ba!!! I'm lovin' it!!!